How Purple's World started...."meds to the right..."

This is the "PRINCESS" Internet Radio, owner is DJ_PrncssPurple/DJinxxxz. The station streams live out of Virtual world.
Here is one number for a virtual world - 3dxchat.
Find your virtual social network for +18 Adults @ PURPLE'S WORLD... It's like no other. I'm at CIRCLE OF WHAT, DJinxxxz, Let's party!
You are welcome to click in and listen. No virtual world entrance needed. Purple's World is a way to connect with people. What better way than with music.
In 2015 my life changed. I became sick and I found I couldn't function in the physical human world. I'm a people person, so you see this was bad. I had found Virtual worlds before I got sick. But as the years have passed therapy, tests, meds, hospitals, and doctors… If you are home bound, you know how paralyzed you can get with people or without.
I have a support group in the communities, PURPLE'S WORLD The project I gave myself as a what the hell.
That is one thing no one tells you about a virtual world. It's a community more than a game. You connect, make friends, make relationships that are life changing. Weddings, concerts, we even have a prom, however you will not find violence, unless you are mean at rock, paper, scissors.
I found a way to let myself work at the pace I could do. I am a workaholic, creating, makes me happy. And no, it's not cleaning, not my idea of work(chores). I found that when I am on the Air rocking a show with a hundred people. I'm alive and enjoying life again. Learning to DJ opened my world.
My adventure has been amazing and heart breaking. Just when you feel like you don't have anyone you realize - duh you have 8 amazing dj's rocking and crazy too. You have "family & friends" in virtual. I'm able to connect to someone work projects. I have an amazing team. You learn from each other. Just like real life.
Question for you who are not home bound, but your ass is broke, and you can't afford that $20 entrance fee to the club. click on - 3dxchat and club hop your ass off for $50 a year.
This company Purple's World is a dating site. This is a site for adults only. Adults that would like to have a connection to other adults. Some don't have the luxury of just walking out the door and getting a social life. This is a new way to do that.
Make friends, have romance, have adventures, hell just have fun.
There is adult content and since you can do everything yes even sex. But kill, beat, shoot are not things you will find in our international community. There are things to do and yes if you are like me there are ways to make it a job and love what you do.
You can hear me ,DJinxxxz ,live partying at clubs Circle of What. Come join the fun with us.
See you In World,